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MarketMansion is committed to offer services you are happy with. If you think we don’t, we have a 30-day money-back guarantee on our hosting plans. If you cancel your hosting account within 30 days, you’ll get a refund immediately. You will keep your domain name and a refund that excludes setup fees and domain registration fees.
Our model is designed for flexibility and our affordable price modules reflect that. We also offer unlimited email accounts, unlimited sub-domains and FREE registration for 1 domain (Business and Premium plans) or domain transfer for free.
Besides maintaining outstanding uptime for your hosting requirements (24/7/365 network monitoring) and tailored customer support (phone, chat, email) we ALSO provide value-added services such as Online Marketing Services (email, SMS, social media) to give your business that online advantage.
We know a business without reliable service is pointless. Our trained support team is committed to provide outstanding quality and our technicians will be on hand to support you 24/7/365, around the clock on any request. You will be talking to someone who knows what to do.
Simple – that’s how we want you to experience MarketMansion. During sign up, when you upgrade, when you call us, when you update your website –simple and easy. Running a business is challenging enough, we want to make your online experience hassle-free.